St. Xavier’s Computer Centre was established in 1997 .The main objective of the Centre is to provide opportunities to students ,to take up add on programs in Computer Languages.In the Internet Cafe, there is provision for students to be on par with the world. This encourages the students to visit educational sites and acquire detailed information on the various topics of their interest. High download speed and quality ensure effective browsing. The computer Centre also provides assistance for the students in their project and assignment works.
The computer centre is now registered as one of the Sub-Centre for Continuing Education Kerala (CCEK)-extending the Diploma in Computer Application(DCA) programme.The course DCA is approved by Government of Kerala vide GO(Ms)No.37/2012/P&ARD dated.16/7/2012 of the Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department, Government of Kerala as a qualification for appointments through Kerala PSC.DCA is 6 months course and CCEK will organize the course, conduct the examinations and issue certificates to the successful candidates in a standardized pattern.

The Computer Centre is providing all support and facilities for Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP), a joint initiative General and Higher Education Departments Govt. of Kerala. One of the major attractions of ASAP is its foundation module comprising of Communicative English and IT. By imparting Communication and Basic IT courses to a large student community, ASAP envisages creating a large talent pool that can work in modern day organizations that promote a global work environment. The Computer Centre implemented a Student Feedback System which helps to improve the quality of course delivery and to provide direct feedback to teaching staff. The Student Feedback System also supports peer evaluation among teaching Staff where teachers can get feedbacks from their colleagues.As a part of Govt.of India’s ‘National Digital Literacy Mission’ (NDLM) Scheme, our Computer Centre provided an opportunity to all students to join this Scheme .The mission of this scheme is to make a student IT Literate, so that she can operate a computer/ Digital access devices (like tablets, etc), send and receive e-mails and search internet for information, etc.