Dr. Sr.  Soosamma Kavumpurath, CTC


General Manager 
Mob: 9400195552
E mail : 

Education has a key role in the process of human civilization.  Our own society can continue to be strong, civilized and modern only if we make steady and dynamic progress in education which should be ideally both knowledge-based and value-centered. The higher education system in the State is undergoing radical changes consistent with the major transformations happenings in the field across the globe. Our educational system offers immense potentiality for specialization in various fields of knowledge in the humanities and in science. The acquisition of special knowledge alone cannot generate the intellectual and moral energy necessary for transforming the individual psyche or social order.   It is essential that the student acquires an understanding of values

As a community of learners St Xavier’s College for Women realizes that the true enlightenment comes consequent to a look within, a serious introspection into the fulfilling of our ambitions,achievement of goals and completion of our mission to spread the light of knowledge and to generate skills requisite for the students, equipping them for the challenges of life.  Excellence comes not in competing with sister institutions at the corporate level, or with peer professionals at an individual level,but in raising our own standards and academic achievements. The achievements of successive generations of students of this college provide an eloquent testimony to the excellence of the institution

We firmly believe that the quest for excellence demands a clear vision for the future, incessant hard work, unyielding commitment to goals and intelligent execution of plans in sync with the motto of this College, thereby making a concerted effort to contribute our mite towards national progress.


Former Managers

Name of the ManagerDuration
Rev. Mother Isabella CTC 1964- 1970
Rev. Mother  Domittilla CTC1970-1976 
Rev.Mother Georgia  CTC1976-1982
Rev.Mother  Pauline CTC1982-1988
Rev.Mother Marina CTC1988-2000 
Rev.Mother Albina  CTC 2000-2006 
Rev.Mother  Daphine  CTC2006-2012 
Rev.Mother Liza  CTC2012 -2017