CBCS 2017 Regulations
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Internal assessment shall not be used as a tool for personal or other type of vengeance. A student has all rights to know, how the teacher arrived at the marks. In order to address the grievance of students, a three-level Grievance Redressal mechanism is envisaged. A student can approach the upper level only if grievance is not addressed at the lower level.
Level 1:Department Level
The Department cell chaired by the HOD, Department Coordinator, Faculty Advisor and Teacher in-charge as members.
Level 2:College Level
A committee with the Principal as Chairman, College Coordinator, HOD of concerned Department and Department Coordinator as members.
Level 3:University Level
A Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Convener – Syndicate Standing Committee on Students Discipline and Welfare, Chairman-Board of Examinations as members and the Controller of Examination as member-secretary.
- The College Council shall nominate a Senior teacher as coordinator of internal evaluations. This coordinator shall make arrangements for giving awareness of the internal evaluation components to students immediately after commencement of first semester.
- The internal evaluation marks/grades in the prescribed format should reach the University before the 4th week of October and March in every academic year.
PG CSS 2019 Regulations
Grievance Redressal Committee
17.1. Department Level: The college shall form a grievance redressal committee in each department comprising of the course teacher and one senior teacher as members and the Head of the department as Chairperson. The committee shall address all grievances relating to the internal assessment grades of the students.
17.2. College Level: There shall be a college level Grievance Redressal Committee comprising of faculty advisor, college coordinator, one senior teacher and one staff council member and the Principal as Chairperson.
17.3. University Level: The University shall form a Grievance Redressal Committee as per the existing norms.