The Internal Assessment mechanism is systematically organized, with timely alerts and examinations scheduled according to the M.G. University Examination Calendar. The process is meticulously managed to ensure accuracy. Internal marks are verified and submitted to the university on schedule.
PG : Dr. Liss Marie Das & Dr. Archana Mohan
UG & Open Course : Ms. Sheneya Festus & Dr. Ninu Rose
The evaluation of each paper shall contain two parts:
(i) Internal or In-Semester Assessment (ISA)
(ii) External or End-Semester Assessment (ESA)
The internal to external assessment ratio shall be 1:4.
Both internal and external marks are to be rounded to the next integer.
All papers (theory & practical), grades are given on a 7-point scale based on the total percentage of marks, (ISA+ESA) as given below: –
Percentage of Marks |
Grade |
Grade Point |
95 and above |
S Outstanding |
10 |
85 to below 95 |
A+ Excellent |
9 |
75 to below 85 |
A Very Good |
8 |
65 to below 75 |
B+ Good |
7 |
55 to below 65 |
B Above Average |
6 |
45 to below 55 |
C Satisfactory |
5 |
35 to below 45 |
D Pass |
4 |
Below 35 |
F Failure |
0 |
Ab Absent |
0 |
Credit Point (CP) of a paper is calculated using the formula:-
CP = C × GP, where C is the Credit and GP is the Grade point
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of a Semester is calculated using the formula:-
SGPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of that semester.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated using the formula:-
CGPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of that programme.
Grade Point Average (GPA) of different categories of courses viz. Common Course I, Common Course II, Complementary Course I, Complementary Course II, Vocational course, Core Course is calculated using the formula:-
GPA = TCP/TC, where TCP is the Total Credit Point of a category of course.
TC is the total credit of that category of course.
Grades for the different courses, semesters and overall programme are given based on the corresponding CPA as shown below:
Grade |
9.5 and above |
S Outstanding |
8.5 to below 9.5 |
A+ Excellent |
7.5 to below 8.5 |
A Very Good |
6.5 to below 7.5 |
B+ Good |
5.5 to below 6.5 |
B Above Average |
4.5 to below 5.5 |
C Satisfactory |
3.5 to below 4.5 |
D Pass |
Below 3.5 |
F Failure |
The external theory examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University at the end of each semester. Internal evaluation is to be done by continuous assessment. For all courses without practicals, total marks of external examination is 80 and total marks of internal evaluation is 20. Marks distribution for external and internal assessments and the components for internal evaluation with their marks are shown below:
For all courses without practical
- a) Marks of external Examination: 80
- b) Marks of internal evaluation: 20
Components of Internal Evaluation of theory |
Marks |
Attendance |
5 |
Assignment /Seminar/Viva |
5 |
Test papers (2×5=10) |
10 |
Total |
20 |
For all courses with practical total marks for external evaluation is 60 and total marks for internal evaluation is 15.
For all courses with practical
- a) Marks of external Examination: 60
- b) Marks of internal evaluation: 15
Components of Internal Evaluation of theory |
Marks |
Attendance |
5 |
Assignment /Seminar/Viva |
2 |
Test papers (2×4=8) |
8 |
Total |
20 |
For practical examinations total marks for external evaluation is 40 for internal evaluation is 10
Components Internal evaluation of Practical |
Marks |
Attendance |
2 |
Test paper (1 x 4) |
4 |
Record* |
4 |
Total |
10 |
*Marks awarded for Record should be related to number of experiments recorded and
duly signed by the teacher concerned in charge.
All three components of internal assessments are mandatory.
For projects
- a) Marks of external evaluation: 80
- b) Marks of internal evaluation: 20
Components of External Evaluation of Project |
Marks |
Dissertation (External) |
50 |
Viva-Voce (External) |
30 |
Total |
80 |
Components of internal Evaluation of Project |
Marks |
Punctuality |
5 |
Experimentation/data collection |
5 |
Knowledge |
5 |
Report |
5 |
Total |
20 |
Attendance Evaluation for all papers
% of Attendance |
Marks |
90 and above 5 |
5 |
85 – 89 |
4 |
80-84 |
3 |
76-79 |
2 |
75 |
1 |
Assignments are to be done from 1st to 4th Semesters. At least one assignment should be done in each semester for all courses.
A student shall present a seminar in the 5th semester for each paper and appear for Viva-voce in the 6th semester for each course.
Two test papers are to be conducted in each semester for each course. The evaluations of all components are to be published and are to be acknowledged by the candidates. All
documents of internal assessments are to be kept in the college for one year and shall be made available for verification by the University. The responsibility of evaluating the internal
assessment is vested on the teacher(s), who teach the course.