The institution implements Formative and Summative assessment which are interwoven with the ongoing teaching-learning process. The assessment methods are varied, yet administered meticulously to ensure lucidity and transparency.

Assessment Methods and Frequency:

The Internal assessment is a continuous process that is done on a regular basis to have a cumulative effect. As per university guidelines the student performance is assessed based on:o Attendance

  • Assignment (writing skills)
  • Seminar (presentation skills)
  • Internal Exams (knowledge levels)

Each component of Internal Assessment has fixed weightage –50% for two internal tests, 25% each for assignment and attendance

  • Internal Exam – Twice a Semester.
  • Project – Once during the Programme
  • Seminar/Viva – Once a Semester
  • Assignment – Once a Semester
  • Class Tests – Monthly
  • Model Exam – Once a Semester

Mode of Assessment

  • Internal exam committee, the IQAC and College Council work along to ensure transparency and robustness.
  • The head of the department, internal exam coordinator of the department (if any) and class teachers oversee the conduct of exams
  • Distribution of valued answer scripts with teacher-student discussion to clarify doubts regarding evaluation in person
  • The tentative dates of internal examination are published in the academic calendar
  • The schedule and syllabus of the exam are published well in advance.
  • Preparation of question paper in accordance with university examination format.
  • Internal exam question papers, student projects of earlier years preserved in the departments for reference purposes.
  • Online access to previous question papers in the college library
  • Digitalization of attendance and Internal scores in the college online portal a for student verification.
  • Release of students’ Progress reports and discussion with parents during open house meetings.
  • Publication of internal exam reports (A and B forms)
  • Three-tier verification: The concerned subject teachers, class tutors and the internal exam coordinators ensure correctness of the Exam Reports before forwarding them to the university.