The Principal of a college has got multifaceted roles to play and has to shoulder these multilateral responsibilities having characteristics of a patron, custodian, supervisor, administrator, adjudicator, protector, inspirer and so on. As the Academic and Administrative Head of the Institution, the Principal remains liable to follow certain codes of ethics in his conduct as proclaimed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in tandem with the guidelines framed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) as well as the set of prescripts enforced by the Government of Kerala as in the Kerala Service Rules. These codes of conduct are applicable, in general, for College teachers as well as for administrators of any organisation.
As the academic head of the institution, the Principal should strive:

  • To uphold and upkeep the ethos of inclusiveness in terms of imparting education in the institution.
  • To protect the collective interest of different sections of the institution so that each and all can perform freely and give their highest for the institution building.
  • To institute, nourish and enforce meting equal treatment to all the stakeholders in the College so that there remains no scope of any discriminatory and disparate practice at any level within the stretch of the College.
  • To uphold and maintain the essence of social justice for all the stakeholders irrespective of their caste, creed, race, sex, or religious identity as within the framework of Indian Constitution.
  • To initiate and propagate the spirit of welfare within all the sections of human resources attached directly or indirectly with the College and hence to build mutual confidence amongst them.
  • To maintain and promote academic activities in the College in all possible avenues already explored and thus encourage exploration of newer avenues for further academic pursuit.
  • To create an environment conducive for research oriented academic parleys and thus promote research activities in the institution to add further to the knowledge pool.
  • To uphold, upkeep and enforce discipline in the behavioural manifestation of all the stakeholders of the institution and thus maintain campus-serenity required for academics.
  • To promote and maintain the practice of extra-curricular activities amongst the students and other human resources of the institution and thus add to the societal dynamism.
  • To endeavour for the progress of the region surrounding the College so that
  • academic practices may result in community development.


The governing body of the college is responsible for ensuring the effective management of the institution and for planning its future development.

  • The governing body shall act to approve the mission and strategic vision of the institution, long-term academic plans and ensure that these meet the interests of stakeholders, including students, local communities, Government and others representing public interests.
  • The body shall monitor institutional performance and quality assurance arrangementswhich should be, where possible and appropriate, benchmarked against other institutions.
  • Governing bodies shall ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by Statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and affiliating university.
  • The governing body shall ensure that non-discriminatory systems are in place to provide equality of opportunity for staff members and students.
  • The governing body shall actively monitor that the Institution implements the requirements of State and National Governments for reservations of seats and staff positions and provide required support to minority groups.


The teachers of this College are subject to the guidelines provided by UGC for college teachers. As per UGC guidelines whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself/herself in accordance with the ideals of the profession. Every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his/her precepts and practice. The national ideals of education must be his/her own ideals.

A definitive code for this Institution encompasses the following:

  • Be concerned and committed to the interests of the students as the foremost aim of the teaching profession is to educate. This attitude should be directed towards the specific needs of each student. He/she should be conscientious and dedicated and if necessary, should help the students beyond class hours without accepting any remuneration.
  • They shall not prevent any student from expressing his/her viewpoint although it may differ from that of his/her own. On the contrary, the student should be encouraged. Among other things, a teacher should accept constructive criticism.
  • The teacher should try to develop an educational environment. Equal treatment should be meted out to all students irrespective of caste, creed, religion, gender or socio-economic status. There should not be any partiality or vindictive attitude towards any of them.
  • The teacher’s aim should be to inspire students to generate more interest and develop a sense of inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • The teacher should instil a scientific and democratic outlook among his students, making them community oriented, patriotic and broad minded. This is a part of her social responsibility.
  • The teacher should conform to the ethos of his/her profession and act in a dignified manner. She/he should keep in mind that society has entrusted her/him with their children.

Professional Development and Practices

  • It may be conceded that learning has no end. It is imperative that a teacher continuously updates himself in his field and other related ones in order to upgrade himself and the student community. She/he must also acquaint herself with recent methodologies and other applications.
  • A teacher must, alongside teaching, pursue research as innovation contributes to the continuous progress and development of a subject. She/he should involve herself in seminars, Workshops where there is interchange of academic topics. A career long professional development is therefore a necessity.
  • Developing new teaching strategies and curriculum as well as planning for an upgraded academic system should be an integral part of his professional duties.
  • The teacher will have to carry out the Institution’s educational responsibilities such as conducting admissions, college seminars and so on. She should also be participating in extra-curricular activities of the College as in sports, extension activities and cultural programmes. This will generate a holistic development and a congenial relationship with the students.

 Professional Integrity

  • Teachers must maintain ethical behaviour in professional practice by accurately representing certifications, licenses and other qualifications.
  • Honesty should not be compromised in research. Plagiarism is an evil that cannot be accepted at any cost.The aim should be to improve quality of research.
  • There should be no conflict between professional work and private practice. Private tuitions should be avoided as they negatively impact upon the quality of college teaching.
  • The teacher must respect the confidentiality of all information regarding exam affairs as well as matters dealing with colleagues and students unless legally or legitimately demanded.

Professional Collaboration

  • Teachers should be respectful and cooperative towards their colleagues, assisting them and sharing the responsibilities in a collaborative manner
  • Teachers should refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against their colleagues in order to satisfy vested interests.
  • Teachers should discharge their responsibilities in accordance with the established rules outlined by the higher authorities and adhere to the conditions of contract.
  • Teachers should refrain from responding to unnecessary political motivations as they may ruin the sanctity and smooth progress of an educational institution. This is more so as the Institution is located in a vulnerable border area.
  • Teachers should accord the same respect and treatment to the non-teaching staff as they do to their fellow teachers. The Institution should hold joint meetings before upholding any decision regarding the College
  • Despite the commuting distance, the teachers should refrain from taking unnecessary leave and maintain regularity for smooth functioning of the college.
  • Teachers are not allowed to take long leave as it will affect the whole progress of the institution.
  • It is expected to avoid involving in personal matters during the working hours


Being the employees of the Government of Kerala, all the support staff of St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva, should follow the code of conduct stipulated by the State Government. The College has put forward its code of ethics for the support staff along the following lines.

Professional Conduct

  • The support staff should acquaint themselves with the College policies and adhere to them to their best ability.
  • Each of them should perform the duties he/she has been assigned sincerely and diligently as well as with accountability.
  • They should avail of leave with prior intimation to the extent possible. In case of suddencontingencies, information on their absence should be promptly forwarded to the College Authority.
  • The support staff should not, on any account, undertake any other job within the stipulated office hours. Neither shall he engage himself in any trade or business within college premises.
  • They should not hamper the functioning of the college by engaging themselves in political or anti-secular activities.
  • They should not engage in remarks or behaviour that might be considered disrespectful to their non-teaching colleagues, teaching staff or students.

Workplace Conduct

  • The support staff should be punctual as their prior presence is required daily for the commencement and smooth functioning of college activities.
  • They should be responsible for the proper use and maintenance of college equipment and furniture.
  • No support staff should be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during office hours.
  • The support staff often has access to confidential information regarding examination matters and other matters relating to other staff, through official records. It is expected that they respect the confidentiality of such matters.
  • They should perform their duties with honesty and integrity. There should be no falsification of official documents entrusted to them.
  • The support staff should show no discrimination on basis of gender, caste or religion.

Professional Relationship

  • Interactions between support staff and students are frequent as for example during counselling, admissions, disbursement of financial aid, examinations and so on.
  • On a regular basis the students come into contact with support staff in libraries, science laboratories and computer laboratories. It is expected that they behave in a helpful, friendly and patient manner towards the students.
  • The support staff are not allowed to take long leave as it will affect the whole progress of the institution.
  • It is expected to avoid involving in personal matters during the working hours