Formed in accordance with the guidelines and norms set by NAAC, it tries to ensure that quality is strictly maintained, sustained and augmented by taking the needs of all the stakeholders into consideration. The cell helps in ensuring more effective and active participation and contribution of all the stakeholders. The (IQAC) meets at least twice every year to discuss plans and review progress of the earlier plans implemented.

  • Regular meetings of IQAC
  • Academic week
  • Library week
  • Monthly Performance Report of Departments
  • Result Analysis
  • Participation in NIRF
  • Adopted Five Villages under UBA
  • ISO certification
  • Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship
  • Inter and intra institutional Workshops, Seminars and Conferences on quality related themes
  • Academic and Administrative Audit
  • Feedback from Students, Teachers, Parents, Alumni and Employers on curriculum, Institution and Teaching-Learning
  • Student Satisfaction Survey
  • IQAC student wing- To ensure student participation in Quality assurance or any quality related issues
  • Software deQ for data collection and documentation
  • Quality Assessment Cell for teachers (API)
  • Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
  • UNAI Membership
  • Quality Audit/Accreditation by National Agencies