OBC Cell
The OBC Cell was established in the College with the primary aim of empowering the OBC students in the College, and assisting and guiding them in their curricular and co-curricular activities. The Cell has been set up to help students from these communities to become an inevitable part of the mainstream by ensuring their all-round development and contribute considerably for the progress of the society.
- To ensure equality in opportunities for education of OBC students
- To facilitate financial support to students from these communities from governmental agencies and other sources
- To make the OBC students aware of the various scholarship’s schemes of the Central and State Governments
- To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event on the College campus
- To ensure that the College follows the reservation policy as laid down by the Government of Kerala
- To provide these students with a grievance redressal mechanism in addition to the regular redressal mechanism.