BSc Physics
This is a three year (six-semester) aided programme, in which the student has to earn 120 credits to be eligible for the award of the B.Sc. degree in Physics. During the course of the programme, one has to study two languages English and Hindi/Malayalam and Mathematics and Chemistry/Statistics as complementary subjects. The student has the freedom to select an open course from any of the disciplines in fifth semester. A course on Environmental Physics in the final semester will help to boost the environmental consciousness and awareness among them. The student will also get an industrial exposure and research motivation through an industrial visit and a minor research project that they have to complete in the final year.
Upon successful completion of this programme, the student is expected to gain an appreciation of the nature of the physical world around him and develop a scientific curiosity, creativity and reasoned thinking as well as understanding the interdisciplinary links of Physics to other disciplines and to societal issues. Moreover, we aim to provide a firm foundation to the student in basic aspects of physics and the broad spectrum of modern trends in physics and to develop experimental, computational and mathematical skills.
Even though BSc and MSc Physics are not professional courses, these form the basic requirement of many careers. After completion of UG/PG, students can join for Teacher Training Programmes to qualify for the teaching jobs in High School/Plus Two levels. Students with research aptitude can join for PhD programmes or for research projects as research fellows. Going abroad for research is another option. A graduate is eligible for administrative jobs in Private or Public Sector or Government jobs by appearing for competitive examinations.