Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement with the Pontifical approval. This movement came into existence in 1978, that time onwards in our college; the Christian Youths are actively participating in all programmes. There is a group of 10 girls in the core committee, who gather at 3.00 – 4.00 pm on every Wednesday, to prepare for the prayer meeting. The Prayer meeting is held on all Thusdays at 12.15 – 1.00 pm. Around 50 students attend in this meeting. Students recite Holy Rosary on every day during the lunch break, with special celebrations in the month of October. In the Holy Lent season Way of the Cross is recited instead of the Rosary. Jesus youth conducts charity visits, pilgrim visits, exhibitions, skits, spiritual talks etc. We distribute scapulars on 16th July and provide lunch coupons for the needy – All to enlighten the students and to lead them into a life in Harmony with Lord Jesus Christ.