Ms.Lidia Durom

Ms.Lidia Durom

Assistant Professor

Professional Summary

Ms.Lidia Durom, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce at St.Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva, where she has been working since 2017. She has a work experience of 9 years and has published articles in reputed Refereed peer review journals. Her areas of interest in research include Finance and Marketing.

Posts Held

  • NET Coaching 2017-18
  • Bank Coaching 2017-18
  • Add- on course Tally 2017-18
  • NSS(June 2018-September 2018)
  • Anti-sexual harassment cell 2019-20
  • ISO committee 2018-
  • PTA Committee 2020-21
  • Union Adviser 2020-21
  • Anti-ragging cell 2020-21
  • M.Voc Co-ordinator
  • Internal Auditor of ISO


  • PRIMAX FOUNDATION- Bangalore, Karnataka. (Register under the Karnataka Societies Reg. Act
    1960) Reg. No. JNR-S211-2015-16, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review (ISSN-
    2279-543X; UGC Listed Number 64650; Impact Factor is 6.1) Paper Title – A Study on stress
    management among IT Employees in Kerala
  • KAAV PUBLICATIONS – International journal for economics commerce and business studies Apr –
    Jun 2018 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Article No: 56 | ISSN: 2348 – 4969 Impact Factor – 8.99, Paper Title
    – Effectiveness Of Training And Development Programmes Of IT Companies
  • PRIMAX INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL () –ISSN : 2345-1564, Special Edition, Impact Factor – 3.75,
    Paper Title – A study on usage pattern of Debit and Credit Cards.
  • SAJMS – South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies – ISSN : 2349-7858, SJIF – 2.246, Vol 3,
    Issue 6 Paper Name – a study on relationship between risk factors and investment with reference
    to corporate securities.
  •  IJIFR – International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research – An open access, indexed, High
    impact Factor(5.081) and refereed International Journal of Innovative Research – Vol 4 Issue 2
    October 2016 , ISSN : 2347-1697, 38 th Edition Paper Name- Online shopping habits among college students in Ernakulam District.
  • COGNIZANCE – A Research Journal of Commerce & Management – Vol 1 No.10 ISSN : 2349-2813
    February 2016
  • POSEIDON – Journal of Commerce & Management & Social Science – Vol 3 No.1 June 2014- ISSN :
    2319-6238 – Peer Refereed Bi- annual Research Journal
    Paper Name – Fast moving consumer goods in India – A case study.