B.Voc course in Accounting and Taxation
About the Course
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has launched a scheme on skills development based higher education as part of college/university education, leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.) Degree with multiple exits such as Diploma/Advanced Diploma under the NSQF (National skill Qualifications framework). The B.Vocprogramme is focused on universities and colleges providing undergraduate studies which would also incorporate specific job roles along with broad based general education. This would enable the graduates completing B.Voc to make a meaningful participation in accelerating India‟s economy by gaining appropriate employment, becoming entrepreneurs and creating appropriate knowledge.
B.Voc in Accounting and Taxation is a skill based course which is covered in the form of 6 semsesters which is divided as 2 semesters in a year. Herein, the primary topics dealt with include working on MS Office Suite, preparing balance sheets on Excel, Tally, Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting, fundamentals of Direct and Indirect Taxes as well as GST. With the increase in the number of taxes and the dearth of experts in the field who can take forward the regime and understand its applicability in different areas, this course deems in setting forth a platform for students who are inclined to pursue their career in Accounting.
The overall course structure is thus designed with the aim of letting students gain the utmost knowledge of the field, and apply it in their career. When pursued as graduation, B.Voc Accounting and Taxation program builds an added advantage for students who can select their niche areas in financial sectors, taxation, international and national tax, Indian economy and much more. Taking up this course after 12th will lend them a good base for taking up Master’s degree in the field as well as start their career from the intern or junior level in financial sectors.
Accounting and taxation is a great course to study for a number of reasons. Accounting and taxation provides one with skills and knowledge that can be applied to a number of industries. In fact, so long as there are businesses in the world, accountants will always be needed.