Research Promotion Council

Research Promotion Council

The Research Promotion Council was constituted in the year 2013 to promote and coordinate all the research activities in the College.

Role of Research Promotion Council
  • To create passion among the students and faculty of the college for research and innovation
  • To provide a platform for students and faculty members to present their academic findings through paper presentation sessions. RPC also publishes the proceedings of these sessions as ‘Book of Abstracts’
  • To encourage students to take up funded projects and participate in Citizen Science Projects
  • To have periodic interactions with experts in various fields
  • To disseminate information about research project grants
  • To assist in uploading abstracts of completed projects to the college website
  • The Council also publishes a peer-reviewed biannual interdisciplinary journal- Discourse. It aims to spread information in the field of science and humanities to the members of the academic community through publishing updated high-quality research articles/reviews.